Physical location
The city of Warwick is located under two hours west from Brisbane on the Cunningham Highway. Travellers and commercial vehicles wanting to access western Queensland or the southern states pass through Warwick by the New England Highway or the Newell Highway. Stanthorpe is a 40 minute drive to the south and Toowoomba is one hour's drive to the north. So while Warwick is in the heart of a rural area it is not remote by Queensland standards.
The school is located on the fringe of the Central Business District of Warwick city. It is in a convenient location for transport and for students to access many local facilities to enhance curriculum delivery.
The Warwick district has a population of approximately 22,000, of these 10,000 live in the city of Warwick. The district is primarily rural with small farms - dairy, grain crops and beef. There is also a Woolworths Distribution Centre, which is a major employer.
The town supports a large abattoir that exports to Japan, three main horse breeding studs and a number of feedlots. A modern shopping centre meets the needs of Warwick and also attracts custom from nearby towns and districts.
The town provides a broad range of sporting and cultural facilities including an indoor aquatic and sporting centre, an Australian standard hockey field and world cup equestrian and motor racing facilities at Morgan Park. Most service clubs are represented, and the city hosts a variety of cultural events.